Four Bed Bug Facts Everyone In Boston Ought To Know

Bed Bug

Four Bed Bug Facts Everyone In Boston Ought To Know

Have you woken up with itchy bug bites on your body arranged in neat rows or clusters or strange black spots in the creases of your bedding?
You are dealing with a bed bug infestation. And unfortunately, by the time you notice the signs of bed bugs in your home, their colony is large, and getting rid of them will not be easy.

Let's take a quick look at how to identify bed bugs, how to prevent bed bugs from getting into your home, and, if that fails, how to find quality pest control in Boston to get your house bug free.

Would You Be Able To Identify Bed Bugs In Boston?

Boston bed bugs are tiny insects, less than a quarter inch in size and reddish in color, that feed on human and animal blood. An adult bed bug looks a lot like an apple seed. Young bed bud nymphs are almost translucent and much smaller, making them very hard to see with the naked eye.

Bed bug bites, tiny white bed bug eggs (that look like small grains of rice), and the black spots they leave on your bedding (bed bug droppings) are all signs of a well-established colony.

A female bed bug can quickly lay hundreds of eggs, which will mature into hundreds of full-grown bugs within less than a month. At this point, prevention will not do much, and it's time to get a professional bed bug control specialist to take care of the problem.

Four Bed Bug Facts You May Not Have Known

Bed bugs have been around for millennia and have developed very effective methods of adapting to their environment. 

  • Unlike most other bugs that have pretty short lifespans, bed bugs can live for over a year.
  • Bed bugs evolved to withstand scorching temperatures of over 100 degrees Fahrenheit and cold snaps close to freezing.
  • You might not feel a bed bug bite for up to two weeks because, just like mosquitoes and a few other blood-feeding insects, they anesthetize the bite site.
  • Bed bugs can wait for up to 18 months for their next meal, so an infestation that leaves even a single bug alive can bloom back into full swing over a year later when the next host becomes available.

Bed bugs are very efficient predators and extremely difficult to get rid of once established in your home.

Bed Bug Prevention Best Practices

Coming up with a plan on how to get rid of bed bugs in your Boston home is not an easy task, so it pays to keep them out in the first place.

  • Be careful while staying in hotels and sitting down in movie theatres, and on the public transportation
  • Watch out for secondhand furniture and clothing infested with bed bugs.
  • If you live in an apartment, an infestation plaguing your neighbor can easily spread to your place.
  • Be careful with visitors to your home; bed bugs often hitchhike on clothing and luggage.

If prevention doesn't work and your house has bed bugs, it's time to call a pest control specialist!

The Many Benefits Of Professional Bed Bug Control

A trained pest control technician will evaluate your bed bug problem and determine which Boston bed bug control techniques are most suited to clearing your home, followed by ridding the house of live bugs and their eggs.

If you're suffering through a bed bug infestation, give a trained Urbanex pest control professional a call to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Boston.

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