How Do I Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In My Dallas Home?

Bed Bugs

How Do I Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In My Dallas Home?

Even though bed bugs are tiny insects, they can spread quickly and take over your home. If you've ever had a bed bug infestation, you'll know that they are some of the most difficult pests to treat. If you are having trouble getting rid of bed bugs, you are not alone. Schedule a free home inspection today with Urbanex for pest control in Dallas that will allow you to take back your home from bed bugs.

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Identifying bed bugs in Dallas can be difficult because they are so tiny. In fact, young bed bugs, or nymphs, are almost invisible to the naked eye. The bed bug life cycle comprises six stages, from the egg cycle to their last stage, where bed bugs can grow to ⅛ inch in size. 

Bed bug eggs are tiny and pearly white. After five days, an eye spot should become visible on the egg. If you have seen bed bug eggs in your house, it is likely that you have a bed bug infestation.

Young bed bugs are nearly translucent, and they are about 1/10 of an inch in size. As they grow into adult bed bugs, their color changes to reddish-brown. Their bodies also become flat and oval-shaped. Adult bed bugs are wingless, and they can reach the size of an apple seed. If you have seen any bed bug signs inside your house, it is important to find bed bug control services in Dallas before the problem gets out of hand.

Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?

Bed bugs are not just terrifying, they may also pose a health threat. Although bed bugs aren’t known to spread major diseases, they can bite and leave marks. If you scratch your bed bug bites excessively, it could lead to an infection. In some cases, allergic reactions from bed bug bites could need medical attention. Don’t risk the health of those you love. If you’re concerned about bed bugs in your Dallas home, we suggest you seek bed bug control services near you. 

Why Do I Have Bed Bugs In My House? 

Unfortunately, you don’t need to have a dirty home for bed bugs to make an appearance. Unlike other pests, bed bugs do not invade from the outdoors around your property. Bed bugs “hitchhike” from place to place on our personal belongings, such as purses or clothing.

In addition, the following factors could attract bed bugs into your bed space:

  • Carbon dioxide and warmth
  • Histamine, which builds on the skin and feces of bed bugs
  • Dirty laundry, especially around the bed area
  • Any place where large numbers of people gather can become a bed bug hotspot. Think of public transportation, hotels, dorms, apartment complexes, or nursing homes. 

The truth is that any home can be vulnerable to a bed bug infestation. This pest can get out of control quickly and take over your bed, clothes, and precious time. Reach out to your local pest control company and feel safe in your house again.

What's The Fastest Way To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?

Since bed bugs are one of the most difficult pests to DIY, we recommend you seek professional bed bug control in Dallas. Urbanex is Dallas’s go-to bed bug removal company since 2015. Our team of professionals has treated bed bugs for years, using only the best practices and treatments.

Our four-part pest management program begins with a thorough home inspection. After the initial inspection, we’ll discuss treatment options with you to find the one that suits your needs. We’ll then proceed to apply the treatment. Finally, we’ll provide follow-up visits and preventive education, so your home stays bed bug-free. If you’re ready to remove bed bugs from your Dallas home once and for all, schedule your free inspection with Urbanex today.

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