Four Things Everyone In Dallas Ought To Know About Scorpions


Four Things Everyone In Dallas Ought To Know About Scorpions

One of the few creatures dangerous to humans in the United States, scorpions have a pretty nasty reputation. Scorpions are venomous and will sting if backed into a corner, but the venom most scorpions carry is barely more harmful than a sting from a bee. The only scorpion species with venom potent enough to harm a human, the bark scorpion, is rare, and you're not likely to run into one unless you find it in the desert.

In Texas, you are likely to run into the following four types of scorpions:

  • Straight-faced scorpions, also known as camel spiders, do not sting but can inflict painful bites. These scorpions are between a reddish or brown color with yellow legs and are easy to identify, thanks to the fact that they don't have a stinger like most scorpions.
  • Texas cave scorpions are dark, almost purplish black in color, and pick Central Texas limestone caves and sometimes woodpiles as their habitats.
  • Trans-Pecos smooth claw scorpions are reddish-brown to brown with a short-segmented tail and strong, oversized pincers. While their sting is painful, they aren't dangerous to people. A pinch from their pincers can be pretty painful, though.
  • Lesser stripetail scorpions are usually two to three inches long, pale tan in color, with a noticeable stripe down their tail. Lesser stripetail scorpions are venomous and can be a problem thanks to their habit of burrowing into the ground and blending in with the environment, making them easy to step on.

Let's look at some general scorpion characteristics, how to repel scorpions away from your home, how to get rid of scorpions if they're already there, and where to find effective pest control in Dallas.

What Do Scorpions Look Like?

Scorpions are arachnids and sport four pairs of legs. They vary in color, depending on the species, from yellow to almost black, and are usually between two and four inches long, with the longest species being the giant desert hairy scorpion.

Most scorpions have a segmented tail with a stinger on it which they use to hunt and ward off predators. The stinger usually delivers venom of varying potency, with bark scorpions being the only species that carry venom strong enough to harm or kill a human. Scorpions feed on insects, spiders, and sometimes other scorpions helping to keep their populations in check.

Two Problems Scorpions Cause In Dallas

Scorpion stings are often painful but rarely life-threatening. Scorpion venom can contain up to 46 toxins. Most of the time, the symptoms are similar to a bee sting, but depending on the species and size of the victim, they can experience heart palpitations, breathing problems, and high blood pressure. The venom of a bark scorpion, for instance, can kill or injure a child.

Another problem scorpion stings present is that even if they have a low-potency venom, people who have been stung before may develop a strong allergic reaction to subsequent stings that can result in anaphylaxis.

Scorpion Prevention Tips Everyone In Dallas Ought To Know

Sharing your house with scorpions is not a good idea so let's take a look at a few tips on how to keep scorpions away from your Dallas home:

  • Seal cracks in walls and foundation.
  • Keep firewood stacked away from the house.
  • Make sure door and window screens are in good shape.
  • Fix plumbing leaks.
  • Remove logs and rocks from the ground in the vicinity of your home.

Scorpions in Dallas can be dangerous, so if you see one in your home, don't try to handle it yourself; give a professional a call.

Why You Should Call The Pest Control Experts When You See Scorpions

At Urbanex, we've been assisting Dallas residents with their scorpion problems and evicting a multitude of other unwelcome pests for over 25 years.

If you are worried about scorpions, give us a call today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Dallas.

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