Rooting Scorpions Out Of Your Tampa Home


Rooting Scorpions Out Of Your Tampa Home

Scorpions in your Tampa home can be more than just a frightening sight; they can present a risk of being stung and serious health consequences. To avoid an invasion of dangerous scorpions, you should work closely with Tampa pest control and implement prevention tactics to protect your property. 

Are There Different Types Of Scorpions I Should Look Out For?

There are a few different types of scorpions in Tampa that you should be keeping an eye out for. Here are these types of scorpions and a brief description of them so you can stay informed:

  • Florida Bark Scorpion – brown with small yellow dashes on its back
  • Hentz Striped Scorpion – tan or light brown with two dark stripes on its back
  • Guiana Striped Scorpion – pale yellow with two dark stripes on its back

If you discover that you need help with properly identifying scorpions on your property, you can reach out to our experts at Urbanex for more information or assistance.

How Can I Tell If There Are Scorpions Living On My Property?

Once scorpions have moved onto your property, they will leave a few signs indicating their presence. Keep a look out for these signs to help you determine whether or not scorpions are making their home where you live:

  • You see scorpions around your property or hiding out in your home. Visual sightings, especially multiple sightings of scorpions, can be a crucial indicator of a problem. 
  • Scorpion tracks may be present around your home or yard; these look like smears or pebble tracks around the ground.
  • You notice scorpion droppings around your home; these look very similar to patches of sand.
  • You may see scorpion egg cases around your property or inside your home. They will be small and white.
  • You have an increased pest presence on your property for insects like cockroaches, crickets, and ants; this can attract scorpions and signify that scorpions are also living around your home.

Seeing any of these signs can indicate a serious scorpion invasion on your property. Make sure you contact Urbanex for help removing and controlling scorpions in a safe way.

Where Can Scorpions Hide?

Scorpions are big fans of hiding in moist, shady, and cool areas areas. These areas provide prime shelter from the heat of the day and allow scorpions to be comfortable when they are not hunting for food. Around your property, you are most likely to see scorpions in cracks and crevices, under piles of debris in your yard, in the backs of cupboards or storage areas, or hidden places in kitchens and bathrooms. 

To prevent scorpions from hiding in these areas, you should make an effort to remove yard debris, fix up leaks or moisture issues, and declutter spaces; this makes your property overall less hospitable to this pest.

Keeping Scorpions Away From My Home For Good

The best way to kill scorpions around your Tampa home is to let our experts at Urbanex treat your property for this pest. With extensive experience and a dedication to total pest removal, our specialists at Urbanex will give your property an in-depth inspection before thorough tailored treatment plans to your home’s every pest control need.

Trust Urbanex to keep all different scorpions away from your home for good, and contact us today.

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