Are The Springtails In Nashville Dangerous?


Are The Springtails In Nashville Dangerous?

While it may be the 21st century, us Nashville residents like to believe there are still some elements of our culture that hearken back to the days of the wild west. Cowboy hats are still in fashion (well, on some of us), and the streets are still a free-for-all (according to visitors who think we don’t know how to drive). 
While there may not be any highwaymen left, we still deal with plenty of danger on our properties: Weather, stubborn wildlife, and more than our fair share of home-invading pests. So where do springtails fall on the spectrum of things to be concerned about?

Nuisance Or Nightmare? 

Although springtails are one of the smallest kinds of home-invading pests, their appearance can be a little bit unsettling when you see them up close. Only measuring up to six millimeters in length, springtails have silver bodies that almost resemble tiny shrimp. Their name stems from the spring-like appendage that extends from their lower half like a tail, which allows them to jump very high compared to their size. The furcula, as it’s called, helps springtails avoid danger and travel efficiently. 

Fortunately, these pests are not dangerous to your health. They’re simply a huge nuisance because of their pack mentality. Even though they’re small, they can make their presence quite noticeable in a home due to the large numbers they’ll travel in. While they may not bite or sting you, they’ll exist in the thousands in your house, which is enough to drive you crazy. 

Preventing The Crowds

If large crowds of springtails are entering your home, it typically occurs because they’re looking for food. They thrive on mold and fungi for the most part, which is created by damp, humid environments. If things get too dry for them outside, they’ll begin to look for homes that don’t control moisture levels. That’s why the best method of springtail prevention is taking care of any moisture issues in your home. You can start by getting a dehumidifier in your crawlspaces or any areas that have high humidity due to lack of air-conditioning. You’ll also want to monitor your pipes closely, both in the basement and under the kitchen/bathroom counters. Any leaking pipes can lead to moisture buildup and an ideal springtail habitat. 

Another way to limit springtail activity in your home is to make sure your house is properly ventilated. In the yard, you’ll want to make sure your rain runoff is not collecting near the house as fungi and mold will begin growing close to the home and attracting springtails. If you have mulch near the house, this will hold on to moisture and allow fungi to grow as well, but you can pull the mulch back about a foot from the house to prevent springtails from getting too close. 

The Professional Touch

Even though these aren’t dangerous pests, the thought of having thousands of anything gathering in your home is pretty unnerving. If these prevention tips don’t work and you do wind up with springtails in your home, you’ll want to seek professional help right away. Many homeowners will spot these pests behind the sink or anywhere that pipes had been leaking, but they make matters worse when trying to eradicate the pests themselves. Springtails will simply hop away from the danger, only to recongregate somewhere else inside the house. It’s best to call a professional pest technician while you know the exact location of the infestation. If you see springtails in your home, contact Urbanex for total springtail eradication or for more prevention advice. 

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