From Infestation To Elimination: A Springtail Control Blueprint For Nashville Homeowners


Springtails might just be one Tennessee pest you’ve never heard of. These nuisance pests are not typically high on most homeowners’ priority lists, but if you wind up with a house full of them, springtail control in Nashville will likely rocket to the top of your pest control to-do list. Find out more about these unusual pests and how Urbanex can help keep them away for good.

Common Misconceptions About Springtails

Springtails, sometimes also known as snow fleas, are small hexapods that are attracted to moisture and organic matter, like millipedes and silverfish. There are a lot of misconceptions about springtails in the world of pest control. 

One of the biggest myths about springtails is that they destroy property. Since the moisture problems that attract springtails can often attract other moisture-loving pests that can cause damage, like silverfish, springtails often get blamed for the damage inflicted by other pests. The truth is these pests cannot harm your property. They feed on fungi and decaying plant matter and typically do not even harm plants. 

Some people also believe that springtails spread disease, but this is also not true. Springtails are not known to spread any kind of illness, and they’re generally considered harmless to human and pet health and are primarily just a nuisance. 

Seasonal Considerations for Springtail Control

Springtail infestations often occur in the winter. Some species of springtails, unlike many other pests, do not reduce their activity during the cold months. They can even be seen crawling around on snow, which is why they’ve earned the nickname “snow flea.” Springtails are also associated with fleas because they can jump up to several inches using a special forked structure under their abdomens. 

Other species of springtail become active in the early spring, once the ground begins to warm. These springtails can invade your home in large numbers when they all begin emerging at once. While you’ll find them outdoors in mulch, leaf piles, and other moist sources of decaying organic matter, you’ll find them indoors mostly in damp areas such as kitchens, bathrooms, and basements. 

Signs That DIY Methods May Not Be Sufficient

Springtail solutions are often difficult to deploy when springtails invade your home in large numbers. They’re not very common pests, so there are not very many over-the-counter pest control methods created to deal with them. 

Springtail control is easiest when you focus on it before you end up with these pests. That’s why prevention is key. To keep springtails away:

  • Fix moisture issues like leaky pipes and clogged drainage. 
  • Use a dehumidifier to help reduce condensation and ambient humidity.
  • Eliminate mold around your home, which is a primary food source for springtails.
  • Get rid of sources of edible organic matter, like leaf piles and plant litter. 
  • Install weatherstripping around door sweeps and ensure window screens are free from rips and tears. 

The most important anti-springtail measure is moisture control. Springtails love moisture, so deprive them of it. This can help encourage them to stay out of your home. 

However, if springtails invade your home in large numbers, this can be a sign that your prevention efforts are not working. So if you keep seeing them despite your best efforts, it’s likely you need the experts here at Urbanex. 

Reputable Pest Control Services In Nashville

Unfortunately, if you end up with a springtail infestation, it can be one of the toughest problems to eliminate because springtails often invade your home in large numbers and there are few products on the market to eliminate them. The good news is that the most effective springtail treatment in Nashville is just a click or call away. Contact Urbanex if you’re ready to kick annoying springtails to the curb for good!