A Handy Guide To German Cockroaches For Boston Property Owners


A Handy Guide To German Cockroaches For Boston Property Owners

Boston is one of the most historic towns in America, and history is always reminding us that bigger is better. But what if the roaches invading our homes aren’t the biggest? What if the smallest roach species actually created some of the biggest problems on our Boston properties?

Small Pest: Huge Health Risks

German cockroaches are one of the smallest kinds of roaches in the United States, yet they are one of the most problematic pests Boston property owners have to deal with. Their small, tan bodies are often mistaken for crickets, so homeowners assume they aren’t much of an issue. Not so fast. 

It’s true that they’re very small, only measuring about four to seven centimeters in length, but that is one of the many reasons they are so frustrating. In fact, their small size allows them to gain access through many entry points most pests can’t fit through. When you combine the German cockroach’s affinity for poorly stored food, their ability to squeeze into your pantry with ease, and their pack mentality, you could have an overrun kitchen in no time.

Even more concerning than your food being eaten is the severe health risks that come along with a roach infestation. Many people know that roaches look disgusting, but they don’t realize just how contaminated these bugs can be. German cockroaches are known carriers of bacteria, coming from seedy habitats. 

Since they spend the majority of their time in landfills, dumpsters, and sewers, they’ll carry that bacteria into your home. Once it’s spread to your furniture and meal preparation surfaces, you’ll run the risk of incurring diseases like salmonella and E.coli. Plus, German cockroaches will secrete a pathogen in your home that yellows your walls and can lead to allergic reactions in extreme cases.

Prevention Techniques

To make the health risks worse, German cockroaches are incredibly difficult to get rid of. Your focus, instead, should be on prevention. The best ways to prevent roach activity in your home include:

  • Controlling moisture issues: roaches love dark, damp habitats. If you have excess humidity, moisture buildup, or leaking pipes, you’re going to attract more than your fair share of cockroaches. Monitoring your pipes and using a dehumidifier in crawl spaces can limit roach attraction.
  • Proper food and trash storage: easy access to food or trash can keep German cockroaches coming back for more. Remember, German cockroaches are very small, so stored foods will only be safe in tightly sealed containers.
  • Clean regularly: since roaches can live off of even the smallest crumbs, regularly cleaning the floors can create a less attractive environment for pests.

Catch The Signs Early

While these prevention tips can be effective, roaches are incredibly hard to get rid of once they get in. Since home remedies lead to inconsistent results and the health risks of a prolonged infestation can be so dangerous, a roach infestation requires professional attention. If you can catch the signs early, then you can limit your risk to disease exposure. These signs include:

  • Cockroach droppings and eggs (both of which look like black pepper)
  • Smear marks on the walls
  • Shed wings and skin
  • Dead cockroaches
  • Live cockroaches during the day (Since they’re typically nocturnal, spotting one in the day means there are a lot more of them hanging around). 

If you do spot these signs, you’ll simply be wasting your time trying to get rid of them yourself. These are nasty, dangerous creatures, do you really want them hanging around any longer than necessary? For the most effective cockroach eradication treatments, contact Urbanex today. 

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