Nashville's Handy Bed Bug Prevention Guide

Bed Bug

Nashville's Handy Bed Bug Prevention Guide

Bed bugs are external parasites that require a host to survive while the host does not benefit from the relationship. Unfortunately for us, people are the preferred hosts. And on top of that, bed bugs can happen to anyone, not just people that live in "dirty" homes.

As an Nashvilleresident, you need to understand how bed bug infestations start, how to prevent them, and how to get rid of this unwanted pest from your property.

How Bed Bug Infestations Start

It would be nice to be able to blame a bed bug infestation on a factor out of our control, but the truth is, bed bugs are usually carried into a home by someone. Or, if you live in a multi-unit building, bed bugs can travel between units. Here are the common ways bed bugs are brought into a home:

  • Secondhand items are the most common method for bed bugs to hitch a ride. Items such as mattresses, bed frames, and furniture should be avoided when possible. You should also take precautions with other items like clothing, appliances, and electronics.
  • Restaurants, busses, trains, and theaters are all highly trafficked locations are where bed bugs can be found.
  • Other bed bug hot spots include hotels and motels.

Knowing common bed bug hot spots is only half the battle in preventing them. You need to be mindful of what you do when you are in these areas.

How To Prevent Bed Bugs

Now that you know where bed bugs come from, you need to take precautions to make sure you don't carry them home with you. You can do this by looking for tiny, 1mm, white eggs, dark excrement staining, and the actual bugs themselves. Some important tips:

  • No matter what it is, you should thoroughly inspect and clean anything secondhand before placing it in your car or bringing it inside. You should check in fabric seams on chairs, couches, and cushions, in drawer joints, and screw heads on furniture and appliances.
  • In public places and transportation hubs don't leave your belongings on the floor. Instead, use coat racks or a chair.
  • Inspect hotel and motel rooms carefully. Check the mattress, box spring, and bed frame. If you notice any signs ask to be moved to another room further away.

Taking the necessary precautions can help prevent bed bugs in Nashville but may not keep them away altogether. Because of this, you need to know what to do if they get into your home.

How Professionals Can Help With Bed Bugs

Because of the nature of bed bugs and how they infest, prevention can never be 100%., And the longer these pests are in a location, the more time they will have to reproduce. Your first instinct, like many others, when faced with a bed bug infestation, may be to handle it on your own using do-it-yourself (DIY) methods. And although some of the ways you can find online may kill bed bugs, they can be stressful, time-consuming, and hard on your wallet. Plus, it is difficult to get rid of all life stages of bed bugs on your own.

If you live in Nashville, you should contact the professionals at Urbanex right away. With Urbanex, you will receive our bed bug-free warranty. Our team of experts can assess the infestation and rid your home of these pests, and ensure that the infestation doesn't grow again. So don't hesitate, contact us at Urbanex today to get started with bed bug control services.

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