Tick Control & Prevention Tips For Nashville Homeowners


Tick Control & Prevention Tips For Nashville Homeowners

While there are many different species of ticks, when it comes to the types of ticks in Nashville, there are only about three that you would commonly encounter. That is not to say that you should brush this potential threat off as nothing, though. That’s not the case at all, because every time you step outside in Nashville, ticks are waiting. 

While they can’t jump, they can easily find their way onto you or your pets. Tick control is necessary as ticks have a reputation for spreading harmful diseases. To learn more about how to handle your tick problem in Nashville, keep reading on.

When Is Tick Season In Nashville?

You’ll find that tick protection is most important during the summertime when tick season really kicks off. However, ticks don’t exactly take time off, as they can occur year-round, but with more people outside during the summer, there is an increase in the chance you’ll get bitten. You’ll find a few different types of ticks in Nashville such as:

  • Fowl ticks
  • Black-legged ticks
  • American dog ticks
  • Brown dog ticks
  • Lone Star ticks
  • Gulf Coast ticks

You might not think that many of these types of ticks in Nashville can affect you due to having names like Lone Star or Gulf Coast. However, many of these have become more abundant locally in the past few decades.

What Do Ticks Look Like In Nashville?

Do you know what a tick looks like? For the most part, they look like mites or bed bugs, with their flattened body shape. They have eight legs when they reach the adult stage and are mostly brown in color. Ticks are small, and while there are a few natural tick prevention steps, it’s never as solid as a proper sweep of your yard by a team could be. Ticks typically don’t threaten to take over your home, but they can infest your yard all the same and make going outside a minefield of danger.

Are Ticks Dangerous In Nashville?

No matter if you try to use some kind of natural tick prevention or make a call to the professionals, you’ll want to deal with this problem immediately. If you don’t get rid of ticks when they show up, you can be putting yourself and your family at risk. Here are just a few of the many diseases that ticks can cause:

  • Lyme disease
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Tularemia
  • Heartland virus
  • Tick paralysis

Most of these illnesses can have terrible consequences if not properly treated in a timely manner. You shouldn’t risk your safety and the safety of your family with DIYs that could potentially fail when the clear choice for absolute prevention is to contact pest control professionals.

Tick Control & Prevention In Nashville

Ticks in Nashville are never fun to deal with, and you don’t have to do it alone. When you want effective tick control, call our team at Urbanex. We protect your home and family from these unwanted pests with an effective attack strategy. We not only provide tick protection, but also ensure that they don’t come back. At Urbanex, we not only help you take back your yard, but also your peace of mind. 

You can depend on us at Urbanex to go the extra mile for you. Between our follow-up services and our complimentary re-treatments, if the pest should come back, you can be sure that we won't rest until you’re satisfied. So give us a call today to find out more about how we can help you get rid of ticks and keep them away.

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