How Do I Get Rid Of Silverfish In My Nashville Home?


How Do I Get Rid Of Silverfish In My Nashville Home?

There is nothing like the feeling of plush carpeting beneath bare feet. If your house has hardwood floors, walking in slippers on the beautifully stained wood is enjoyable too! While we move about in our homes wearing our comfy shoes, beneath our feet is another world. Underneath the floor, wiggling around in the crawlspace or the basement, may be an unusual, primitive creature: silverfish. 

You may not think you have silverfish in your house because of their elusive nature, but there are signs of their presence. If you see these signs, you need the Nashville pest control experts from Urbanex. The professionals in our family and veteran-owned company have 25 years of combined pest control experience. Our fully-trained and licensed professionals know where evasive silverfish hide in Nashville homes, and we know how to stop them from causing damage.

What Is A Silverfish?

Most people have heard of cockroaches, spiders, ticks, and a host of the usual pest suspects, but many have never heard of silverfish. Understandably, there is confusion about this fast-moving insect because many house bugs look like silverfish, so here are things you need to know about silverfish. 

You can identify the silverfish insect by the following: 

  • Movement: Silverfish wiggle when they move.
  • Body: Silverfish have a 3/4 inch elongated silvery, metallic body covered in fine scales.
  • Antennae: Silverfish have two extended antennae.
  • Appendages: Silverfish have three tail-like projections known as cerci. 
  • Legs and wings: Silverfish has six legs and no wings.

Silverfish feed on moss, algae, fungi, lichens, dead insects, and plants when outdoors. Inside Nashville homes, a silverfish will gravitate toward environments with 75% to 95% humidity and temperatures between 70℉ and 80℉. Silverfish find these conditions in poorly ventilated crawlspaces and basements, but they can also be in damp closets, kitchens, bathrooms, and garages. 

Is it Dangerous To Have Silverfish In My House?

Unlike other pests, silverfish do not cause structural damage to a house; however, they can damage materials in the home. The silverfish diet consists primarily of starchy foods, which is why they eat dead plants, algae, and fungi. When they migrate into homes, they get starch from paper, bookbindings, wallpaper, envelopes, cotton, linens, and rayon fabrics. They also nibble on food products like flour, sugar, and oats. 

Unlike cockroaches and rodents, silverfish bugs in the house do not spread disease. The problem silverfish cause is damage from nibbling on household items, books, and food products. 

How Do Silverfish Get Into Homes?

Gardens and yards with logs, rocks, and other organic material in damp areas are natural silverfish locations. Because they prefer to live where temperatures are between 70℉ to 80℉., silverfish will enter Nashville homes seeking warmth when temperatures decline. Since silverfish also require areas with high humidity, they will enter homes when there are extended dry periods. 

They enter houses through cracks in the foundation and between wiring and pipe gaps entering the structure. Using their multiple legs, they can climb some surfaces and enter through cracks in window and door frames. If you bring potted plants into the home for the winter, silverfish may be hitchhiking in the plant vegetation. 

How Do I Get Rid Of Silverfish In My Home?

The first step to getting rid of silverfish in the house is to contact our professionals at Urbanex. During your free inspection, we will identify the pest problem and the infestation hot spots. Next, we will utilize our proven four-part service program to eliminate silverfish from your Nashville home. 

Here are ways to complement our proven pest control eradication service: 

  • Seal the cracks and gaps in the foundation and around window and door frames.
  • Repair the moldy wood in the crawlspace, attic, and basement. 
  • Provide proper ventilation to the humid areas of the house. 
  • Eliminate musty cardboard, magazines, and books.

These actions, along with our highly-rated pest control service, will get rid of silverfish and keep them out of your house. Contact us today at Urbanex and schedule your free inspection. 

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