What You Should Know About Overwintering Pests In Boston


What You Should Know About Overwintering Pests In Boston

Some Boston residents would list winter as their favorite season because they enjoy the holidays. Others might say spring or summer is the best, due to the warmth. Climate is the same reason a lot of people love fall; it's even keel. Each period has its favorable traits, but one negative they all share are pests.

Every season brings its own pesky critters. When some insects and creatures are taking a break from activity, others are happily out and about. Whether they're coming or going, your home or business could be their landing spot or escape route. Get an understanding of what pests overwinter around our interiors, and how you can stop them with Urbanex.

What Pests Overwinter in Properties?

Stink bugs and ladybugs are just a couple of the insects that tend to overwinter in homes and businesses. Stink bugs have a unique appearance. Their brown bodies are shaped like a shield and adorned with metallic pieces that are copper or blue. Dark bands are on their wings, and stripes on their antennae. They crawl on six legs, and the young have yellow or white skin with red eyes. Adults are around a half an inch long. 
Openings in siding, foundations, screens, and windows are how stink bugs get indoors. Walls, attics, and crawl-spaces are some of the places they'll get comfortable. They leave their gooey eggs beneath flowers and other greenery. As you might have guessed, they're very smelly creatures. The worst of it is when they're dead. These pests are also known for ruining land by sopping up liquids from vegetables, fruit, and plants. For example:

  • Tomatoes
  • Blackberries
  • Peaches
  • Apples
  • Green peppers
  • Lima beans
  • Corn
  • Soybeans

Ladybugs have a lot of color variation in their species. They can be red, black, brown, yellow, or orange. The common denominator is that they are around a quarter of an inch long. Further, they have rounded bodies with dark spotting, antennae, and six legs. To find a plot that they've inhabited before, they will emit a chemical. Dwellings painted with a mix of dark and light shades usually have issues with ladybugs. So will buildings with plenty of sun exposure and proximity to a grassy or woody location. You won't have to guess if you have an infestation. These insects make themselves known, more often than not, with the yellow secretions, they release on surfaces. Additionally, they'll be creeping all over ceilings, walls, and structural voids.

How Can You Prevent Overwintering Pests

Many insects and creatures start heading indoors as the weather cools, hence the term overwintering. It's wise to engage in preventative preparations year-round, but especially in the fall. These pests will hide in difficult to reach areas and emerge as temperatures rise. Here's what you should do:

  • Attach sweeps to all doors that face the outside.
  • Check your screens to make sure they're intact.
  • Close crevices in piping, windows, doors, and foundations.
  • Fix moisture malfunctions and leaks.
  • Distance plants and flowers from your exterior walls.
  • Cut your grass and greenery routinely.
  • Wash your gutters out often.
  • Keep clutter down.
  • Use secure storage canisters for food and garbage.
  • Vacuum, take out the trash, and wash dishes regularly.
  • Look over plants, bags, and packages before going indoors.

What Will Urbanex Do About Overwintering Pests?

Urbanex has a top rating with the Better Business Bureau because we offer affordable and comprehensive services. Our experienced technicians will utilize our human and pet-friendly treatments to eliminate pests and their nests. We also provide guarantees, and same-day visits are available. Get a free inspection when you call today!

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