All The Problems Fleas And Ticks Bring To Dallas Properties


All The Problems Fleas And Ticks Bring To Dallas Properties

It’s not fun to think that little bugs might be feeding on your blood without you knowing. But unfortunately, when it comes to fleas and ticks, that’s the reality of the situation. While most pests are interested in raiding the pantry, these parasitic pests are interested in nothing more than a sip of your warm blood. Even worse, fleas and ticks are known to transmit harmful pathogens when they feed. Here are all the problems fleas and ticks bring to Dallas properties. 

About Fleas And Ticks

Fleas and ticks are very different critters, but in some ways, they are actually incredibly similar. For starters, both of these bugs exhibit parasitic behavior; namely, they feed on the blood of other creatures for survival. Both usually enter homes as hitchhikers, latching onto pet fur or pant legs until they manage to crawl onto a patch of exposed flesh for feeding. Both tend to lay in wait for their victims rather than actively "hunting" them. And both are known vectors of disease. But there are also key differences between these pests.

Fleas are incredibly tiny but can be seen with the naked eye. Most fleas measure between 1/12 to 1/6 inch in length and have a reddish color. They are flightless but have long powerful legs that allow them to jump long distances. They are commonly introduced to the home by pets, but can also be brought to the property by nuisance wildlife. A single female flea can lay up to 2,000 eggs in her brief lifetime.

Ticks are small parasitic arachnids that vary in size from roughly 3/16 to 1/8 inch in length. However, these strange pests can balloon to ½ inch or larger in size when engorged with the blood of their victims. Ticks are typically picked up by pets and people in areas of overgrown vegetation where they wait to latch on to a host passing by. Like fleas, they have a brief lifespan but can lay up to 6,000 eggs in just a month of existence, depending on the species.

Problems That Fleas And Ticks Cause

Fleas and ticks bite. At best, they cause swelling and irritation at the site of the bite. At worst, they can result in contracting a serious disease. Ticks are known to transmit Lyme disease and tularemia among other illnesses. Fleas are known to transmit bacteria that cause typhus, tapeworms, and even bubonic plague. 

Fleas tend to fare better indoors than ticks and can easily cause an infestation in your home. Like bed bugs, fleas tend to hide out in out-of-reach areas where pets and humans frequent, like furniture, carpeting, mattresses, and pet beds. 

How To Protect Your Property From Fleas And Ticks

There are a few simple things you can do to reduce the population of fleas and ticks around your Dallas property. 

  • Repel wildlife: Keep wildlife from carrying fleas and ticks into your yard by constructing fencing around the perimeter of your property. Don’t leave pet food outdoors and make sure trash bins are locked or tightly sealed.
  • Keep covered: Make sure to wear long socks, pants, and even long sleeves when spending time in overgrown areas with lots of long grass. Always check your clothing for ticks and fleas after coming indoors.
  • Call the experts: When you enlist the help of the professional pest control technicians at Urbanex, you’ll have fewer fleas and ticks around your property so you can enjoy your time outdoors. 

If you’re experiencing trouble with fleas and ticks on your Dallas property, don’t wait another minute. Get in touch with us today to request your free inspection. 

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