Tips To Avoid Brown Recluse Spiders In Dallas


Tips To Avoid Brown Recluse Spiders In Dallas

Most common spiders in our beautiful state of Texas are harmless, even beneficial, keeping the population of other insects under control.

Two varieties, however, brown recluse spiders and black widow spiders, are poisonous enough to cause serious, even fatal, repercussions with their bites. The brown recluse stands out from the two for being a more aggressive spider, their wide distribution across Texas, and the harm their bites cause.

Let's take a closer look at the brown recluse spider, why they are dangerous, how to keep them out of your house, and if that fails, how to find quality pest control in Dallas.

How Dangerous Are Brown Recluse Spiders?

Brown recluse spiders are responsible for more spider bites in our state than any other spider species. Their bite is intensely painful, with a small blister and swelling appearing shortly after a bite.

The venom, once injected, causes localized death of the surrounding tissue, resulting in a very slow healing process and a lot of scar tissue. The dead tissue comes off over the next two weeks, leaving an open sore prone to infection.

If you think you've been bitten by a brown recluse, it's best to contact a health professional immediately.

Tips To Avoid Brown Recluse Spiders

Brown recluse spiders are small, 1/4 to 3/4 of an inch in size. Most are brown and have a telltale violin-shaped mark on their thorax. They make a home in undisturbed areas around your property, weaving webs as a place to retreat in case of a threat.

Outside of the house, you're likely to run into a brown recluse in the following:

  • Around piles of rocks
  • Woodpiles
  • Cedar shake roofs
  • Under loose tree bark.

Inside your Dallas home, you might find them in any relatively quiet, dark, warm places such as:

  • Garages and basements
  • Baseboards and window moldings
  • Closets and storage spaces
  • Basements and crawl spaces

Like most spiders in Dallas, the brown recluse is a shy, elusive creature that will only bite if it feels trapped; but if your house or yard is sporting a significant population of these spiders, the chances that you'll run into one that feels threatened are high.

Why Brown Recluse Spider Prevention Efforts Fail

Each brown recluse female can lay up to 1500 eggs during its life so that a single spider can rapidly grow into a nightmare-level infestation.

To prevent these spiders from making your house their home follow these proven tips:

  • Brown recluses prefer enclosed, small spaces to hide in, so the first step is to get rid of clatter in and around your home.
  • They are famous for nesting in stacks of firewood; move them at least 20 feet away from your house.
  • Make sure the outside walls of your house are free of cracks and gaps to keep brown recluses and other unwanted visitors outside of your home.
  • Spiders, especially brown recluse spiders, feed on other spiders and insects. Take care of any other pest problems you suspect in your home in order to cut off their food supply.

The problem with prevention methods is that spiders have developed in very harsh environments and evolved to do with very little. They can live on minimal food, make nests in a variety of places, and get indoors through cracks that are barely visible to the naked eye.

It Is Always Best To Call In The Professionals

If prevention didn't do the trick and you're starting to see signs of brown recluse infestation, it's time to call a professional for brown recluse spider control services in Dallas.
With Urbanex, your pest control specialist will know exactly where these little guys like to hide and design an approach to get both spiders and their eggs out of your house.

If you're struggling with a brown recluse infestation, contact Urbanex pest control professionals today to get started and to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Dallas.

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